Create a countdown timer in visual basic 6.0
For creating a countdown timer we are going to use the visual basic timer control. I hope you know about the timer control because in the last post we have already seen about the timer control at the time of creating a digital clock and digital stopwatch, if you did not read those posts then simply check here how to create a digital stopwatch in vb 6.0 For creating this program we just need the textbox, command button and timer control in those controls, timer control is very important. I know that these type’s visual basic programs examples are easy but when these programs are asked in the exam then most of the students can’t solve this.
Steps for creating the countdown timer in visual basic 6.0
- First, create a new form
- Then draw one image box control and set the image
- After that draw three labels, three command buttons, and one timer control
- Then declare and set variable ‘Private m_StopTime As Date’
- Then set the default time on the textbox
- After that write the below-given coding on each button.
Source code for the countdown timer in vb6
Option Explicit
Private m_StopTime As Date
'write this coding on the ‘start timer’ button
Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
Dim fields() As String
Dim hours As Long
Dim minutes As Long
Dim seconds As Long
fields = Split(txtDuration.Text, ":")
hours = fields(0)
minutes = fields(1)
seconds = fields(2)
m_StopTime = Now
m_StopTime = DateAdd("h", hours, m_StopTime)
m_StopTime = DateAdd("n", minutes, m_StopTime)
m_StopTime = DateAdd("s", seconds, m_StopTime)
tmrWait.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub tmrWait_Timer()
Dim time_now As Date
Dim hours As Long
Dim minutes As Long
Dim seconds As Long
time_now = Now
If time_now >= m_StopTime Then
'Me.lblRemaining.Caption = "Offer is end"
tmrWait.Enabled = False
lblRemaining.Caption = "Offer is end"
seconds = DateDiff("s", time_now, m_StopTime)
minutes = seconds \ 60
seconds = seconds - minutes * 60
hours = minutes \ 60
minutes = minutes - hours * 60
lblRemaining.Caption = _
Format$(hours) & " : " & _
Format$(minutes, "00") & " : " & _
Format$(seconds, "00")
End If
txtDuration.Visible = False
lblsettime.Visible = False
End Sub
'write this coding on the ‘Reset Time’ button
Private Sub cmdreset_Click()
txtDuration.Visible = True
lblsettime.Visible = True
End Sub
'write this coding on the ‘Exit’ button
Private Sub cmfexit_Click()
End SubHow to work countdown program in visual basic 6.0
Before starting the discussion I told you that, this program's credit goes to the vbhelper. In the above, we have seen steps for creating the visual basic counter program and its source code. Now here we are going to see how to work this program and an explanation of the source code. When you run the program then you must enter the time in the textbox I mean set the time which you want to display on the counter. Then click on the ‘Start Timer’ button after that timer will automatically start. After when your timer will end means arriving at the set time then you can also reset the timer by clicking on the ‘Reset Time’ button.
For design purposes, I have given the steps above already. If you want the proper explanation about the source code countdown timer in vb6. Here we are always ready to provide help with visual basic programming. If you want to see our work then you can check our previous work or visit our last post, How to find easy solutions for visual basic programming examples.
Why do we need to create a visual basic countdown timer?
The countdown timer is used for showing decreased timing. When you create any shopping-related project in visual basic then most of the time we need to show any offer or any type of discount then we can use the countdown timer in visual basic 6.0. Basically, when we want to sell any project on the offer basis then we want to use the countdown timer because most of the time customers are attracted through the many offers, and in that if you use the selling period using the countdown then there are maximum chances to sell that product.
If you are college student then this program is very useful for you because many times this programs asked in the practical exams as well as written exams. If you are design and develop any ecommerce related project or software then you can add this visual basic countdown timer. Here I have added some basic features you can also develop this program and add more features as per your needs. If you are looking the perfect countdown Timer with minute’s seconds and milliseconds then this don’t search anywhere because everything is here.
This visual basic countdown program is useful for those students who are BCA, MCA or computer science students, because most of the universities have visual basic subject in the syllabus. Many times lots of students are searching for the how to create a countdown timer in visual basic 6.0 but most of the time they can’t find the proper source code. Another main use of countdown timer is in the exam portals, if you create the exam portal in visual basic or visual basic dot net then there also you can use this visual basic countdown timer.
I hope you enjoy this post and properly understood how to create a countdown timer in visual basic 6.0. If you have any query regarding to countdown timer then comment to me in comment section. For more details, you can also visit our youtube channel.