Progress Bar in VB6.0

The loading bars are used for any type of application and software. The main question is how to create a progress bar in visual basic, this concept is used for giving the visualization about the current status of the current process and computer operation, such as downloading, transferring files, installation, and more. If you also don't know about this topic then read this post properly you will get your answer.

Your application will look more professional if you are implementing complex data processing using the Progressbar. This time, we will create an example of a Progress Bar using Visual Basic 6.0. This is used for checking the process. Most of the time students are used the progressbar for creating college projects or software applications.

This is also known as the flash screen. when we start any software application then there are first shown the flash screen. a progress bar is used for waiting for the loading time.

How to create progessbar in visual basic

Many of the students think that how to create a flash screen in vb6, They think is a very boring task but this is wrong, If you have a basic idea about this topic then you can easily this question.

Many visual basic programmers assume that the progress bar in vb is a difficult task but if we are used advanced technologies for performing this task then we can create the proper loading screen in very less time and we can save time and that time we spend in studying or other work. 

How to create progress bar in vb6

The progress bar is included on forms through the Microsoft Windows Common Controls component. After spending a lot of time I have developed this logic for creating the program. Maybe you have another easy code for this solution therefore if you have a simple source code rather than this coding then tell me also in the comment section, and I will publish your code here so that other students also get the best answer.

Steps of a visual basic progress bar:

  1.  First, open visual basic 6.0.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Right-click on the toolbar and click on components, after that select Microsoft Windows common controls 5.0(SP2). And then click apply

How to create Progress bar in vb

How to create vb progress bar

4. Design the form as per the given image.

How to create Progress bar in visual basic

5. Write the following code in the form in the timer section.

Visual basic progress bar source code

Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 5
load.Caption = "Please wait! Setup is loading....."
per.Caption = ProgressBar1.Value & "%"
If ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Max Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
MsgBox "Installation is completed successfully"
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
And finally, run the program
(Note: Set the interval of the timer 500 or as per your requirement before running the program)

If you have any queries regarding the visual basic progress bar then please comment to us. We will reply to you.

How to create progress bar in visual basic 6

What is the working process of this program?

The working process of this program is very simple when you design and write the coding as per given above, and after that, if you run the program then the loading screen will start automatically due to the timer control. For displaying the percentage of flash screens I have written the number increase coding in the source code. When the loading will complete then the form will display the message Process is completed successfully.
Once you have run this program properly then you can use this logic in any other programming langages like c, c++, PHP, etc. Because the loading bar are used in many platforms.

Why we need the progress bar

In above we have already seen the short introduction about this question so that here we will discus some points about the flash screen. When we are start any application or website then many times we can see the loading screen till the wesite or application is open. If we are not used progress bar in our application then maybe there are showing the blank screen at the time of loading.

I hope you are get the proper idea for creating this program. If you have any queris regarding to this post then you can comment to us.

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  1. Very nice blog ...
    Very easy coding for progress bar program

  2. I want to use progress bar in my program of Viaual Basic which should cover time involved in saving data captured in form to save in Excel Work book.
    Note: Saving data and Progress Bar both should run parallelly

  3. I want to use progress bar in my program of Visual Basic which should cover time involved in saving data captured in form to save in Excel Work book.
    Note: Saving data and Progress Bar both should run parallelly

    1. Dear, I think you want to need the coding for MS Excel, In MS Excel there are use the VBA coding but don't worry i will help you and solve your problem. Next post will be advance progress bar in visual basic 6.0.
