How to create multiplication table in visual basic 6.0

How to create and display multiplication table in visual basic 6.0

Are you a beginner visual basic programmer? And you want to create multiplication table in visual basic 6.0. Then don’t worry about that. Because allvbprograms are always ready for help to you. Here you can get a very easy solution for every visual basic program and also enjoy those programs. In this post, we will see How to create multiplication table in visual basic 6.0. If you do not any idea about this program then read this article carefully I sure that you can solve your doubt about this program. One more thing if you have don’t know our previous post then see here how to check the year is leap year or not in visual basic 6.

I know some visual basic programmers think that this is a very easy and simple program but I have provided this solution only for beginners because advanced programmers knew this program. First upon understood that what is multiplication table in vb6? We everyone know about multiplication and how to works the multiplication operation. Normally, for this program, we will use the multiplication operator.

How to create multiplication table in visual basic 6.0

So, now will see the multiplication table visual basic code, and how to work that code? But before starting the coding I told you if you want to see more examples of visual basic programs you can see our previous articles. For creating a multiplication table program follow the below steps due to that you will properly understand how to make a multiplication table in visual basic 6. 

Steps to create a multiplication table in visual basic

  1. Open visual basic 6.0.
  2. Create a new form.
  3. Draw two buttons, one Listbox and one label.
  4. After the design, a form create coding on display multiplication button.
  5. Then run the program.

Source code for visual basic multiplication table

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim n, cnt, mult As Integer


    n = Val(Text1.Text)

    For cnt = 1 To 10 Step 1

    mult = n * cnt

    List1.AddItem (mult)

    Next cnt

End Sub 

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = ""


End Sub
multiplication table in visual basic 6

Multiplication table visual basic code explanation

If you have created and design visual basic multiplication table program then great! Now you can enjoy your program. In this program, you can display multiplication table of any four-digit number. But you entered five-digit numbers then the program will display the overflow error. If you want to increase this limitation then you can use the other data types. Here I have used the integer data type.

Now, we will see how to work the program code. First, we want to define the data types. Then clear the list box that we have already used. After that get the number from the user through the textbox and store that number in ‘n’ variable. Then increment the loop from 1 to 10 by using for loop and stored that in ‘cnt’ variable. After that multiply the entered number and increment number by using ‘mult = n * cnt’ and store the answer in the ‘mult’ variable. Then display that number in Listbox.

Multiplication table visual basic code

If you think about how to perform multiplication table in visual basic then the flow is, First you want to entered the number in the textbox then click on the display multiplication table button. After that, the multiplication table will show in the Listbox. If you want to try another number then you can clear textbox and Listbox by using the clear button.

What is the use of multiplication table program in visual basic 6.0

We have already seen the source code and explanation of visual basic multiplication table program. And I hope you enjoy it. But think that, what is the use of this program to us? If the same question in your mind then don’t confuse, because you are correct. Yes! Anyone can think that why visual basic multiplication table program is used for me.

Then here my answer is yes, this program is very useful for you. If you are visual basic programmer or IT field college student then you can properly understand how important this program for you. Most of the students are ignoring these programs. And lots of students are studied properly but sometimes on the exam they have forgotten very easy programs.

how to display multiplication table in vb6

Therefore here I am trying to help you create a multiplication table in visual basic. Once you can understand the logic of this program then you can use this logic also in other programming languages like vb .net, c, c++ etc. if you use vb .net and you want to know how to create multiplication table with do while loop in visual then there you can the logic of this program easily.

How to solve errors of this multiplication table program in visual basic 6.0

Most of the time the errors occurs due to the little mistakes for examples dot, spacing, variable declaration etc. there are many types of errors you can learn about that in books or any other platforms. Here we will discuss errors of this program. First, if you write all code and run the program and then occur error then think that there is something wrong in your program after that see carefully above multiplication table visual basic code and run the program again. 

If you have written all code are correct and then run the program after that the program will work properly. After the execution program, you can enter any number and display that numbers table in Listbox.  In the textbox, you can enter the number at four digits, but you entered the five-digit number then the program will show the overflow error. This error occurs due to the declaration in this program I have to declare the variable in int. if you want to need to enter more than five digits numbers then you can use another declaration ‘long int, or double’. Then you can easily display many digits number multiplication table in visual basic.

Here we have seen an easy code for multiplication table in visual basic 6.0. if you want to know how to create a multiplication table with the do-while loop in visual basic then comment to me I will publish another post for you. I hope you have understood and enjoyed this program. I always try to provide easy solutions for your programs if you want to check our another program you must see our another program to find the factorial of a number in vb 6.0.

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