How to calculate sum of digits of given number in vb 6

Sum of digits of given number in visual basic 6

Are you visual basic programmer? And you want to know visual basic coding for sum of n numbers. Then don’t worry about that, because I have given an easy and simple explanation of how to calculate sum of digits of given number in vb 6. This explanation will be very useful for those students who are interested in the visual basic programming language or who want to learn the visual basic coding in easy way.

How to calculate sum of digits of given number in vb 6

So first we will see, what is the sum of digits? Means the basic concept of the sum of digits.  So, basically when we want to get the sum of digits then we need some digits for the summation after that we can get the sum of that numbers. When we use the basic concept for the summation of the number then every numbers are adding in each others. This is short introduction about finding sum of digits of a number until sum becomes single digit. If you want to explanation in details then I have explained in the below with the example.

Now, we will focus on the program. Now we see how to write a visual basic program to find sum of digits. We have already seen the basic concept of how to calculate sum of digits that will helpful for creating the program. So without wasting time let’s start to the sum of numbers program in visual basic 6.0.

Steps for creating the visual basic program to find sum of n numbers

  1. Open visual basic 6.0.
  2. Add a new blank form.
  3. After that, draw two labels, two textboxes, and two buttons. Here you draw controls as per your requirements.
  4. Then click on the display sum button and type the following source code. Type the code for clear button.
  5. And now run the program.

Source code for the visual basic program to find sum of digits

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim n, sum, cnt, rem1 As Integer

n = Val(Text1.Text)

sum = 0

While (n > 0)

sum = sum + (n Mod 10)

n = n \ 10


Text2.Text = sum

End Sub


Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = ""

End Sub

*Note: If you want to copy & paste the code, then copy specific code for specific button.

Program to calculate the sum of digits in vb 6.0

What is the sum of digits or explain the sum of digits

In above we have to already seen the short introduction and also seen source code of the sum of digits. Now here we will see in the details about that. So the concept of sum of digits as like this, when we want to get the summation of the multiple numbers then there are add the multiple numbers in each other’s it’s we have seen. Theoretically this is very hard to understand therefore now see the examples.

For example, any user that has the four numbers that is 1, 2, 3, and 4. Now we want to find the sum of these numbers. Then the answer will be finding like this 1+2+3+4= 10.  Here the every number are add in each other’s and therefore the answer is comes to ten. As like these numbers you can try any other numbers for the best practice purpose.

write a vb program to calculate sum of digits of given number

I hope now you are understood this basic concept. If you have clear this concept properly then now you can easily solve the how to calculate sum of digits of given number in vb 6. For your better understanding I have already given the vb coding for sum of n numbers. By using that coding you can write a vb program to calculate sum of digits of given number. If you search on the internet how to calculate sum of digits of given number in vb 6 then here available a lots of answers but this post give you very easy solution and, you want to know more information about the sum of digits then you can also check on the Wikipedia.

Why needs the program to calculate the sum of digits in visual basic 6.0

In now days there are most of the popular programming languages are available. Therefore some student thinks why I need the visual basic programming, then yes! Those students are correct. But consider one thing, if you think we do not need the visual basic programming language then why we learn still this language in our college syllabus. That’s why, we need the visual basic programming language. Now here most of students think that, this is very old language, but old is always gold. Therefore you can also develop the most useful software or application in visual basic 6.0.

Most of the time this program asked in your college exams in many formats, for example   write a program to calculate the sum of digits in vb 6.0, write a vb program to calculate sum of digits of given number, visual basic program to find sum of n numbers write a visual basic program to find sum of digits (till single digit), finding sum of digits of a number until sum becomes single digit, how to calculate sum of digits of given number in vb 6 etc. but don’t worry if you practice this program then you can easily solve this program. This is sum of digits program, in previous post we have to see the easy program how to create multiplication table in visual basic 6.0.

write a visual basic program to find sum of digits

How to work sum of digit program in visual basic 6.

In above we have seen why we need the sum of digit program in visual basic. Now here we will see how to work this program in visual basic. so, first you want to need run the program, if your program will run properly then enter the some digits in the textbox and press the display sum button after that the sum will be display in textbox. After that you can clear the answer by using the clear button.

If you want to find the sum of digits of a number in vb net then you just need to change the some coding of program otherwise the logic will be same for that program also. I hope you enjoy the program of how to calculate sum of digits of given number in vb 6. We are provides an easy programs and logics, if you want to check our other post then check this easy program how to create traffic signal in visual basic 6.0. join with us for more easy coding. If you have any queries then comment me in comment section.

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