How to check number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0

Number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0

Are you looking for a Visual Basic program to check the given number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0? Then you are in the right place. Here is an easy solution for you. Because we are always bringing easy and simple visual basic programs examples for you. The Armstrong number program is asked in many exams for who those in computer fields.

If you are new or beginners in visual basic then don’t worry we will always help you. Before starting the coding we must understand that what is Armstrong number in visual basic 6.0 is. If you have any knowledge regarding the Armstrong number then great! You can achieve the best logic from here. If you already learn this program in any other language like c, c++, etc. then this article easy to understand for you. Because we will be seen here simple logic for how to check number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0.

number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0

In the last article, we have seen how to find Fibonacci series in visual basic 6.0. In this article, we will see how to check the Armstrong number in visual basic 6.0. I hope this article is helpful to you. So without wasting time let’s start Armstrong's number program in visual basic.

Armstrong number in visual basic 6.0

Steps to check the Armstrong number in visual basic 6.0

  1. Open visual basic 6.0.
  2.  Create a new form.
  3. Draw one textbox for accepting numbers.
  4. Draw a button for checking the Armstrong number. 
  5. Double click on the button.
  6. Then type the following code.
  7. Run the program.

Easy coding for find the number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim num, n, cnt, sum, rem1 As Integer

num = Val(Text1.Text)

sum = 0

n = num

While n <> 0

rem1 = n Mod 10

sum = sum + (rem1 * rem1 * rem1)

n = Fix(n / 10)


If (num = sum) Then

MsgBox "Number is armstrong"


MsgBox "Number is not armstrong"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1 = ""

End Sub

What is Armstrong number?

There are many of the definitions available in the books and on the internet, you can also refer to that definition. But here I have provided a very easy definition for you. The Armstrong number is a sum of numbers cube is equal to itself. I know you can’t understand by definition so let’s see the example of Armstrong's number.

Mainly the Armstrong number is 153, 370, 371, 407, etc. we will see the example of 153 Armstrong numbers. If you are making the cube of these three numbers and then calculate the sum of that numbers, the answer will be 153. Example: 155 = 13 + 53 + 33.  Now 153 = 1 + 125 + 27 this will be 153 = 153. By using the same process you can try other numbers. After trying these numbers you can check the Armstrong number program in visual basic 6.0. For more information about the Armstrong number. Then you can also check on Wikipedia there you can get the largest information about what Armstrong number.

I think this information is enough and very helpful for you. I hope you are understood what is Armstrong number. This concept is the same in every programming language. If you will do practice properly this Armstrong number in visual basic then you can get the proper knowledge about how to check number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0. Now we will see how to work this program in visual basic 6.0. in the following I have explained how it works.

program of armstrong number in visual basic 6.0

How to work Armstrong number program in visual basic

This program works simply like other programs. When you run the program then one form will be open. After that, you want to enter the number for checking the number is Armstrong or not. Then click on the button after clicking on the button one popup window will be open that will show you number is Armstrong or not. If the number is Armstrong then the popup form will display number is Armstrong otherwise it will show the number is not Armstrong.

This program you can try through different methods. For example, If you want to display the Armstrong number in between 1 to 1000. For this program, we will discuss in the next article. You can practice this program in many languages like c, c++, PHP, etc. OK, now I think you can solve that is how to check number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0. Now we will see why this program is useful for us. There are many reasons why do you need this program? In the following, we will see why we need an Armstrong number program in visual basic 6.0.

Armstrong number in visual basic

Why you need the Armstrong number in visual basic 6.0

In the above, we have already learned the Armstrong number program in visual basic 6.0. If you think why we need this Armstrong number in visual basic then you are correct. These are simple visual basic program examples and why this useful for us. But in reality, this is a very useful visual basic coding example for you to find the number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0. Like this Armstrong number program, every logical program is helpful for visual basic 6.0 projects. Here we are providing the very easy and simple visual basic programs examples.

How to check number is Armstrong or not in visual basic 6.0

In another article, we have seen how to display the reverse number in vb 6.0. By using these types of program you can develop your own coding for other mathematical equations and you can solve those equations with proper coding. When you are searching the easy and simple visual basic programs examples then our teams are always ready for help to you. So thank you for reading this article and let’s start your practice for better understanding. I hope you can understand Armstrong number in visual basic. if you have any type of query then comment me in the comment box.

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