How to display the reverse number in vb 6.0

The reverse number in visual basic 6.0

Hello Friends! Today we will see how to write a program to display the reverse number in visual basic 6.0. In this post, you can get an easy solution for reverse numbers. We can see the reverse number program in many of the programming languages like c, c++, java, PHP .net, etc. in different languages the variables and structure of the program is different but the logic is the same in various programming languages.

In this post, we will see a very easy solution for the VB program to reverse the number. In the last article, we saw the Program to find the factorial of a number in vb 6.0. here you can get deep knowledge about the reverse number that how to execute it in visual basic. I hope you understood what is a factorial number and how we find the factorial of a number using the visual basic 6.0. Now here we are completely discussing the reverse number.

If you have don't know any idea about the reverse number then don't worry, Just follow the following steps and enjoy the reverse number program. 

program to display reverse number in vb 6.0

Mainly the question of the reverse number asked in visual basic practical exams theory exams etc. if you are read this article properly then this is the very helpful information for you. Many BCA, MCA, and sometimes computer science students handle this type of question and I hope this information will very helpful for those students. Still, you don’t know how to write a VB program to check the given number is palindrome or not then don’t worry we are ready for proving the easy solutions for you.

We also provide the visual basic 6.0 projects with the source code that is very helpful for beginner students. Now we will see the following steps for the program on how to display the reverse number in vb 6.0. so without wasting time let's see the VB programs for reverse numbers.

Steps for display reverse number in visual basic 6.0

For creating the reverse number program in vb 6.0 follows the following easy step that will help you.
  1. Open visual basic 6.0.
  2. Create a new form.
  3. Draw a textbox for displaying the reverse number.
  4. Draw one button to check the number.
  5. After that double click on the button and type the following button code for the reverse number.
  6. After that creates a new function and type the following code in that function.
  7. Then run the program. 

Display reverse number in visual basic 6.0

Easy code for the reverse number in vb 6.0

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim n, rem1, rev As Integer
n = Val(Text1.Text)
reverse (n)
End Sub

Private Sub reverse(n)
rev = 0
While (n > 0)
rem1 = n Mod 10
rev = rev * 10 + rem1
n = n \ 10
MsgBox "Reverse Number is : " & rev
End Sub
(Note: You want to enter the numbers like 1234 then that will be reversing as 4321.)

How to work this reverse number program

I think this is very easy coding for a visual basic reverse number program. Here in this program one textbox and one button. The textbox is used for accepting the number from the user. And the button is used the perform the action by clicking on that button. When you run this program there are one form will be open. In that, you should enter the number which is you want to display the reverse. Then click on the button then after clicking on that button one popup window will be shown with the reverse number.

After that to exit the form you want to click on the cross icon of the form. If you want to designs the form attractively for the reverse number in visual basic 6.0. then absolutely you can do that.  I have taken here only the textbox and one button, you can design the form as per your requirement. I mean you can get an exit button, input button, more designable textbox, etc.. in the previous post how to create digital stopwatch in vb 6.0, we have seen how the form is designed properly.

So here we are totally focused on the logic on the reverse number in vb 6.0. in many programming languages, you have seen how to write the numbers in reverse. Then there are many students who have many of the logic. If their logic is easy than this logic then they can use their reverse number program logic, but I am sure here this program logic is easy to understand for every student.

Reverse number program in vb 6.0

Why you want to need the reverse number program in visual basic 6.0

In the above, we have already seen how to display the reverse number in vb 6.0. but most of the students are thinking that why we need this reverse number program in vb 6.0 then here my answer is always yes! You need this program in your programming world and your college life even also this reverse number program logic are very useful in your college for visual basic projects.

When you learn the visual basic programming language or any other programming language then the logic of this program always helps you, mostly when you handle the looping controls then this logic will help you. If you want to become a professional programmer in visual basic then you should know this type the logic of the program. Many times when you design the form in vb 6.0 for the employee management project purpose you can use there the logic of this program properly.

I hope you understand the VB reverse number program.  Still, you have any type of query regarding how to display the reverse number in visual basic 6.0 then you can comment me. Or send your query on my email.

vb6 program of reverse number

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